2019 DADIN Report

The Dominica Alcohol and Drug Information Network (DADIN) was mandated to manage the collection, analysis, and dissemination of drug-related and other relevant statistical information. Its 2019 DADIN Report highlights relevant data gathered on epidemiological drug research; demand and supply reduction; treatment; and prevention. These thematic aspects provide a foundation to guide decision-makers in programme implementation and strategy formulation and review towards demand and supply prevention and efforts. The National Drug Abuse Prevention Unit (NDAPU) of the Ministry of Health, Wellness, and New Health Investment works closely with DADIN to provide support and guide the Network. NDAPU supported by the Network Coordinator has the responsibility to systematize the network's functions to provide accurate information and monitoring of drug systems.

Read the entire 2019 DADIN Report (PDF, 1,333 KB)

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30 oC
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