How Do I Apply for a Passport?

Requirements for applying for a Passport

  • Completed Application Form (PDF, 538 KB)
  • Instructions for completing the new passport form (PDF, 800 KB)
  • Passport Application Fees - to be paid at the Treasury Department (a birth certificate and a marriage certificate (if the female applicant is married) must be presented to the Cashier at the Treasury Department before fees are paid):
    • Children under 16 years of age: EC$75.00
    • Adults (16 years or older): EC$150.00
    • Lost/Stolen passports: EC$500.00
  • Treasury receipt as proof of payment of application fee.
  • Two recent passport sized photos (45mm x 38mm or 1 3/4 inches by 1 1/2 inches). Passport photos must adhere to the following standards:
    • Image must be between 3mm and 5mm from top edge and chin must be between 10mm and 12mm from the bottom edge of photograph and must include the shoulder;
    • Photo should neither be under exposed or over exposed;
    • Background colours: white, light grey, light blue, light brown, beige;
    • There must be contrast between image and background (e.g. no white shirt on white background or light grey shirt on light grey background, etc.);
    • No shirts with bold prints; no military shirts or camouflage;
    • No sleeveless/tank tops;
    • Chest area must be covered;
    • No shades or dark sunglasses;
    • No head coverings except in the case of Muslims;
    • Facial expression must be neutral (person may smile but mouth must not be open);

  • Original and copy of birth certificate.
  • For first time applicants, an interview with the Inspector, Immigration, is required. Interviews are also held at Dominica Consulate offices.
  • Persons collecting passports on behalf of an applicant must have a written notarized order (done in the presence of a Notary Public) from the applicant. This applies even if the person brought in the application form on behalf of the applicant.
  • Passports which have been lost, stolen or damaged must be reported to the Immigration Department in Roseau, the nearest Police Station or the Dominica Consulate.
  • The normal processing time for passports is two (2) weeks. In an emergency, for example, in the case of illness, passports can be processed almost immediately, or within two to three working days.
  • Stamps are no longer required for passport applications.

For more information, contact:

Passport and Immigration Department
Police Headquarters
Bath Road
Commonwealth of Dominica
Telephone: (767) 266 5159
Fax: (767) 448 6204
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Updated: 15/07/2021

Current Weather

Fair and hazy
30 oC
(86 oF)

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Government Headquarters
Kennedy Avenue
Commonwealth of Dominica



+1 767 266 3000 / 3500


+1 767 448 5044